rails to trails conservancy

Dear Friend of RTC,

Thanks to this unusually mild winter, we’ve found ourselves in an unexpected predicament with Rails to Trails magazine. Nearly a year ago, we decided to feature Minneapolis and the Midtown Greenway as the cover feature for the Winter 2013 issue. We wanted to capture all the winter warriors out on the trail in snow, wind, bitter cold, you name it.

We assigned a photographer to be ready for the first significant snowfall … but it never came. Now we’re into April, and our window seems to have closed.

That leaves us in urgent need of high-quality images of the Midtown Greenway and other snow scenes from surrounding neighborhoods, and we’re hoping you can help us. If you’ve taken any photos of the rail-trail during the winter—preferably with snow on the ground—we’d love to see them for possible use in the magazine.

Here’s the hard part—our designers are very particular about what they need:

  • First, these must be photographs you’ve taken and have full rights to share—and preferably haven’t published in another magazine or newspaper already.
  • Second, we can only accept uncropped and unedited originals—no color enhancements or other augmentations—with a file size greater than 1MB (and preferably at 300 dpi).

As much as we’re disappointed in the weather for denying us this photo shoot, we’re excited for the possibility of featuring images taken by members in the Twin Cities region.

If you have some shots you’d like us to consider, you can contact me directly by email, and we can talk more about the details (please do not send large attachments before reaching out to me, so as to spare my cluttered inbox!).

Thank you for your help!

Karl Wirsing

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Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
2121 Ward Ct., NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037

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